There is one way you can directly copy dota2 from one system to another without backup and restore games option—- plug this device with backup files in the system you want to install dota into. 10. open steam, again click the top left steam button and select backup and restore games.. Trying to figure out how to make a copied dota 2 reborn from another pc work? which ultimately is the reason why you visit this page. in this article, we will discuss different ways about how to copy dota 2 reborn from another pc other than the conventional steam back-up method.. 2. login into steam 3. download dota 2 only to set up the folder and pause the download 4. manage libraries, right click on dota2, and "delete local content" 5. copy your dota2 files (dota 2 beta) into steamapps/common/ 6. after you finish copy, go to steam and try to install dota2 again 7. steam will automatically verifying your dota 2 it.
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1. backup the dota 2 beta folder in to any folder 2. delete dota 2 in your steam and delete the downloading folder 3. paste the dota 2 beta folder to steam/steamapps/common/ 4. launch dota 2 and wait for it to discover local dota 2 game files. 5. play.. Cara1 - pc 1 login pake acc steam 1, install dota 2, backup dota 2, copy backup dota 2 ke flashdisk, sign out. - pc 2 login pake acc steam 2, verifiying acc steam via email dan steam, restore dota 2, install dota 2, sign out..