Jika cara manual tersebut gagal, maka lakukan reset dengan menggunakan software, software download di sini. download aplikasi resetter di atas, dapat digunakan juga untuk epson seri l110-l210-l300-l350-l355 .. Generasi epson setelah epson l100 dan l200 adalah l110 dan l210. dan sekarang lah saat nya printer mulai minta reset dikarenakan "ink waste full" atau sdh melebihi batas print yg telah di tetapkan oleh vendor epson.. Panduan lengkap cara reset printer epson l110 l210 l300 l350 l355 menggunakan software resetter epson adjustment program dan manual. setelah itu akan muncul dialog baru pada bagian maintenance pilih waste ink pad counter kemudian pilih ok. 4..
Aplus computer: how to reset epson l110-l210-l300-l350
Reset epson l210 printer by wic utility tool (epson l210 resetter) is very simple. you can reset your epson l210 printer by yourself you can reset your epson l210 printer by yourself before reset epson printer make sure your computer connected to printer and internet.. Epson l110, l210, l300, l350 and l355 blink reset epson adjustment program printer driver must be already installed on the computer. turn on the printer.. Reset waste ink pad counter for epson l110, l210, l300, l350 and l355. download the utility .use winrar to extract the file. once extracted and before you begin, make sure your printer’s driver are already installed on the computer..