Watch the journey 2 chinese drama 2017 engsub is a according to an old saying the life you have in this lifetime is a karma of what you did in the last what if you can go back to.... Watch the journey chinese drama 2017 engsub is a according to an old saying the life you have in this lifetime is a karma of what you did in the last what if you can go back to.... Episode 2 of the journey(2017) chinese drama with english subtitles by linja and sophied. enjoy! sign in. continue with facebook continue with google. continue with email. no account yet? sign up. dailymotion. for the journey ep 2 eng sub. 2 years ago 13k views. linja & sophied. follow..
Watch wu kong (movie)
The journey is a chinese tv series starring ma ke of journey of flower. see more info and promotional stills. the journey (2017) posted by anne j on july 31, goodbye my princess 东宫 is a chinese drama based on a novel by fei wo si cun 圪我思存 that runs for 52 episodes.. 'the journey: a voyage (chinese: 信约:唐山到南洋; literally: 'a journey: tangshan to nanyang, also known as a voyage) is the first season of mediacorp channel 8's nation-building trilogy. production started on july 2013. it premiered on 25 november 2013 and concluded on 7 january 2014.. The journey of a flower is a wonderful drama based on a very much loved book. if you enjoy martial arts, cheesy cg effects, men with long hair and you are new to chinese dramas this is for you!.